
it is also还是 it also is?

81 2024-10-14 14:38 admin

一、it is also还是 it also is?

我的答案是it is also。


使用also时,通常放在实意动词之前。如:They also agree with me.他们也同意我的看法。also还可以放在be动词、助动词之后,如:He is also a chinese,他也是中国人。My sister can also swim.我妹妹也会游泳。

二、but also 还是but are also?

but also是对的,这个有固定搭配,就是not only...but also译为不但……而且……,例如not only Alan but also parents like playing football.这个句式要就近原则搭配谓语动词单复数,上面译为不但艾拉而且她父母也喜欢足球。后面的谓语看but also后面的parents是复数,谓语动词就是用原形,不是看前面的Alan是第三人称单数,后面的like加s,千万别加s,因为主语是父母亲复数,不加s,用原形。

三、we are also还是we also are?

在英语表达中应当是we are also是正确的


在学习汉语发音时,发现一些汉字的读音与拼音并不完全一致。这让很多学习者困惑不已,也让那些刚开始学习汉语的人感到困扰。其中一个经常引发困惑的词就是"also"。很多学习者常常问道,"also怎么读?" 首先,让我们来看看汉字"也"。"也"是一个表示"也是"或"同样"的副词,用于强调两个或多个不同的事物具有相同的特征、性质或情况。在汉语中,我们将其读作"yě"。请注意,这里的发音与"also"的音调稍有不同,但它们在意义上是相似的。 与"也"相似的,在某些特定的语境中,我们也可以将"还"读作"hái",并用作"also"的替代词。例如,在某个问题的回答中,我们可以用"也"或"还"来表示附加信息。在这种情况下,"也"和"还"都可以表示"also"。 同时,"同样"这个词在汉语中也可以用来替换"also",表示两个或多个事物具有相同的状态、属性或特征。在汉语中,我们将其读作"tóngyàng"。所以,当你想说"also"时,你可以使用"也"、"还"或"同样"来表达你的意思。 除了这些常用的词汇外,还有一些其他的替代词可以用来表示"also"。例如,我们可以用"并且"或"并且还"来表示两个或多个事物之间的同时性或相似性。另外,我们也可以用"同样地"或"同样也"来表示"also"的含义。这些词汇都可以用来强调两个或多个事物之间的相似性或共同点。 需要注意的是,以上所提到的词汇都是用于不同语境下的"also"的替代词。它们的主要作用是传达"also"的意思,尽管它们在发音和用法上可能有所不同。因此,当你学习汉语时,不必过于担心"also怎么读"的问题,因为你可以根据上下文和语境选择正确的词汇来传达你的意思。 希望这篇文章能够帮助你更好地理解汉语中"also"的含义和用法。记住,学习一门语言需要时间和实践,与母语不同的语言规则和发音往往会带来一些挑战。但只要你保持积极的态度和持续的努力,就一定能够掌握汉语中的各种用词和表达方式。 如果你还有其他关于汉语学习的问题,欢迎随时提问。祝你在学习汉语的路上取得更大的进步!


too和either,also都表示“也”also用于句中,行为动词之前,助动词和be动词还有情态动词之后,用于肯定句too用于句尾,要用逗号隔开either跟too的用法一样,不过用于否定句中also :也 用在主语和动词之间。She also likes swimming.too :也 用于句末,并且用逗号将它和前面的句子隔开。I like camping, too.

also造句:She speaks French and German and also a little Russian. 她会说法语﹑ 德语, 还会说一点儿俄语. He is young and good-looking, and also very rich. 他又年轻又漂亮, 而且还很富有. I teach five days a week and I also teach evening classes. 我每星期教五天, 而且还教晚上的课.She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不仅很会演奏, 而且还会作曲.too造句:1、The temperature is too hot to go out for walk. 由于温度太热所以不的不出去散步.2He is too foolish to work out this question.他太笨了不能想出这个问题。3.This question is too difficut for us to work out.想出这个问题对于我们来说太困难了




英 [ ˈɔːlsəʊ ]

美 [ ˈɔːlsoʊ ]







【名】 (Also)(罗)阿尔索(人名)


1. CNN also broadcasts in Europe.


2. The nation also exports beef.


3. He also wore a pair of bracrs.


七、we should also 还是we also should?


八、Can a CFO also be a Finance Director?

Many people may wonder if a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) can also hold the position of a Finance Director. While these two roles are related and both involve managing financial aspects within an organization, there are differences between them.

To answer this question, let's first understand the roles and responsibilities of each position.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

The CFO is a high-ranking executive responsible for overseeing the financial operations of a company. They play a crucial role in strategic planning and decision-making, working closely with other executives and the board of directors. Some key responsibilities of a CFO include:

  • Developing financial strategies and plans to maximize the company's profitability
  • Overseeing financial reporting and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations
  • Managing financial risks and identifying opportunities for growth
  • Providing financial insights and analysis to support decision-making
  • Managing investor relations and communicating financial performance to stakeholders

Finance Director

The Finance Director, on the other hand, is responsible for the day-to-day financial operations of a company. They focus on implementing the financial strategies developed by the CFO and ensuring the smooth flow of financial activities. Some key responsibilities of a Finance Director include:

  • Preparing and managing budgets and financial forecasts
  • Overseeing accounting and financial reporting processes
  • Managing cash flow and working capital
  • Providing financial analysis and insights to support operational decision-making
  • Ensuring compliance with financial regulations and policies

Based on the above descriptions, it is clear that the CFO and Finance Director have distinct roles within an organization. However, in some smaller companies or organizations with fewer financial resources, it is possible for the CFO to take on the responsibilities of a Finance Director as well.

This can be advantageous in terms of cost savings and streamlined coordination between strategic financial planning and day-to-day financial operations.

However, it is important to note that as a company grows and its financial needs become more complex, having separate individuals in the roles of CFO and Finance Director can ensure a more effective and efficient financial management system.

In conclusion, while it is possible for a CFO to also be a Finance Director in certain situations, the decision should be based on the specific needs and resources of the organization. Ultimately, having dedicated professionals in both roles can contribute to a more robust financial management structure.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. We hope that it has provided you with a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a CFO and Finance Director, and when it may be appropriate for one individual to hold both positions.


1. 副词:此外,而且;也,同样

2. 连词:另外,又


1. The nation also exports beef. 该国也出口牛肉。(副词)

2. Also, he has went to the United States. 而且,他已经去了美国。(连词,一般放句首)

十、是i also can还是i can also?

also的用法:用于肯定句和疑问句中,位于实义动词前,系动词、助动词、情态动词后。can属于情态动词,所以正确的应该是I can also.希望对你有帮助。

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